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By the Numbers: Toledo Public Schools

Toledo Public Schools (TPS) is a public school district in Toledo, Ohio. It is the fifth-largest school district in Ohio, with over 21,000 students enrolled. TPS is committed to providing all students with a high-quality education. Toledo Public Schools is part of a vibrant, growing community with a beautiful history. The district works hand-in-hand with parents, families, community organizations, and members of the community to provide opportunities for students that ensure they are prepared. See below for information and statistics about the district, students and region.

Students Enrolled
2022-23 School Year

By the Numbers: Enrollment

By the Numbers: District Facts



Number of lunches served per day


District School Buses

1.7 Million

Miles a year traveled by the transportation fleet

Partnerships with nearly


community organizations to provide expanded services for students

5,310,142 SQ FT

Custodial staff clean and maintain on a daily basis

By the Numbers: Lucas County & City of Toledo 

Lucas County, Ohio, once a struggling city in the Rust Belt, is now a rising star. The city of Toledo has a strong economy, with a low unemployment rate and a growing number of businesses. Toledo is also home to a number of universities and colleges, making it a great place to start or advance your career. In addition, the city has a vibrant arts and culture scene, making it a great place to live, work, and play.


Many organizations in the county collaborate to improve the health of all residents in Lucas County, Ohio.


The Toledo area has a rich history and unique demographics as compared to other similar-sized urban districts in the state of Ohio and nationally. To get an idea, here's a look at how we compare.

Whittier Elementary - TPS 2019 Image Catalog-167.jpg

The city of Toledo has a strong economic development future based on: 

  • Bringing jobs and investment Downtown 

  • Neighborhood development 

  • Continual investments in necessary infrastructure to maintain and add jobs 

  • Leveraging City assets

    • Infrastructure 

    • Location

    • Transportation

By the Numbers: Local Economy

The City of Toledo’s economy, historically associated with the glass and automotive industries, has become increasingly diversified.  

Industry Employers

In recent years, private service industries and governmental employers have provided more than three fourths of the total employment in the Toledo Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).

A Top 10 Region Employer

According to RGP Northwest Ohio, Toledo Public schools is number six among the top 10 region employers.

1. ProMedica Health Systems

2. Mercy Health
3. University of Toledo

4. Whirlpool Corporation


6. Toledo Public Schools


Glass Capital

Toledo remains the home of four of the nation’s largest glass manufacturing companies, Owens- Illinois, Inc., Owens-Corning, Pilkington North America, Inc., and Libbey, Inc., earning the City the title of the “Glass Capital of the World.”

Families By Type

State and National Comparisons

TPS Foundation

The mission of the Foundation is to promote quality public education and student success at TPS through supplemental funding for programs, academic initiatives and scholarships. Learn more and support the mission of the Foundation at


Open to all TPS High School graduates entering college or a career tech apprentice program

Creative Impact Grants

Designed to enable teachers to bring innovative and exciting ideas, techniques and resources into the classroom

The Bridge Fund

Supporting deserving TPS students in all school aspects, such as academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, special projects and other various events

Beverly Elementary - TPS 2019 Image Catalog-200.jpg

2022-23 Year In Review Highlights

We are proud of our progress. See highlights from the 2022-23 school year.

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